Thursday, December 11, 2008

Next Issue

Hey all,
I know a lot of you have finals going on now, but we need to start thinking about what stories we want to have in our next issue. Think about it and be ready to figure stuff out when finals are over.

Friday, November 21, 2008

First Issue

For the time being, we will be linking to a copy of our inaugural issue.

We hope to place this issue up on our site for browsing at your leisure, until that time, please follow the link below to view our inaugural issue.

The Filibuster, NYU's Political Watchdog - Issue #1

-The Filibuster Staff

Getting Started

Hello Everyone,

Please bear with us while we get this blog up-and-running. This blog will offer you stories and information about the publication between its printing dates, which may be filled with more information and stories that we could ever hope to put into our issues.

This blog will be the way to follow the paper's progression, and a great way to stay up to date on what stories we are following and when our print versions will be coming out.

Stay tuned for much more in the time to come.

-The Filibuster Staff